Rapeseed oil-composition, benefits and harms

Rapeseed oil is available but not recognized in Russia. And this is in vain: it contains half as much harmful saturated fat as olive oil.

Rapeseed oil is made from the seeds of rapeseed, which grows well in all climatic conditions. The oil has a waste-free production: cake is used in the preparation of animal feed.

There are two types of rapeseed oil – industrial and culinary. Industrial is used in the production of lubricants for engines, and culinary is added to the composition of products or eaten in its pure form.

Industrial oil can not be eaten. It consists of 60% erucic acid, which is toxic and carcinogenic to humans.1

The situation with rapeseed oil is the same as with palm oil. Unscrupulous food manufacturers often replace edible oil with technical oil, as a result of which people buy a very harmful product.

Composition of rapeseed oil

Rapeseed oil is a healthy source of Omega-3, 6 and 9 fatty Acids (LC). It is important that the oil contains them in the correct proportion and is easily absorbed by the body.

1 tablespoon of rapeseed oil contains:

vitamin E-12%;
vitamin K-12%;
calories – 124.2
What fatty acids does rapeseed oil consist of?:

saturated – 7%.3
The product does not contain a single gram of trans fats and preservatives that are harmful to the body.

The maximum heating temperature of rapeseed oil is 230C. At this temperature, it does not emit carcinogens and does not become dangerous to health. In rapeseed oil, this indicator is higher than in olive oil, which can not be fried and baked food.

The caloric content of rapeseed oil is 900 kcal.

The benefits of rapeseed oil

The product is rich in monounsaturated fatty acids, which should be present in our diet every day. Their use reduces cholesterol levels and protects against stroke. In rapeseed oil, the amount of these fats is comparable to the composition of fatty fish.

Omega-3 fatty acids, when consumed, penetrate brain cells and protect against dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. In addition, it is a strong antioxidant! Every day eating a spoonful of rapeseed oil with vegetables or cereals you get half the daily value of omega-3 fatty acids.

If you want to keep your skin young, add rapeseed oil to your diet. Healthy fats and vitamin E in its composition are involved in cell renewal and slow down the appearance of wrinkles.

Use the oil as a salad dressing – it improves the health of the eyes and joints. These properties are especially important for the elderly.

The harm of rapeseed oil

Compared to coconut and olive oil, rapeseed oil contains less saturated fat. Therefore, it is more useful for those who want to lose weight.

Rapeseed oil contains many phytosterols that strengthen the immune system and help fight viruses. Add it to your daily autumn diet and strengthen your immune system without medication.

The use of rapeseed oil is especially useful for a vegetarian diet.

These useful properties apply only to unrefined cold-pressed rapeseed oil. Avoid the use of refined products – they contain very few useful substances.

Harm and contraindications of rapeseed oil

The harm is manifested by excessive use. Since this is a high-fat product, you should not get too carried away with it – it can cause obesity and increased work of the gastrointestinal tract.

Be sure to monitor your daily intake of omega-6 fatty acids. Their excess can cause inflammation in the body.

Oil is forbidden to use when:

exacerbation of gallstone disease;
individual intolerance.

When using technical rapeseed oil (if an unscrupulous manufacturer has replaced food oil with it), there may be:

disorders in bone development;
disruptions in the hormonal background;
the appearance of visceral fat;
chronic diseases of the kidneys and liver.

Baby food and rapeseed oil

Until now, scientists are hotly debating whether rapeseed oil is useful for children. Often it is added to the diet of infants (not in pure form, but as part of mixtures), so that the child receives useful fatty acids that are not produced in the body. However, due to the possible substitution of edible oil for technical oil, the child can get more harm than good.