100% Tibetan sea buckthorn juice in certified BIO quality.
The cold-pressed juice is made exclusively from the fruits of the original alpine variety of Tibetan sea buckthorn. Hand-picked, ripe fruits are a guarantee not only of an extremely high content of effective nutrients, but also of a surprisingly pleasant taste, which cannot be achieved in its natural form in other species.
Jus d’argousier 100% tibetain en qualite certifiee BIO.
Le jus presse a froid est fabrique exclusivement a partir des fruits de la variete alpine originale d’argousier tibetain. Les fruits murs cueillis a la main sont la garantie non seulement d’une teneur extremement elevee en nutriments efficaces, mais aussi d’un gout etonnamment agreable, qui ne peut etre obtenu sous sa forme naturelle chez d’autres especes.
100% stava z tibetskeho rakytniku v certifikovane BIO kvalite.
Za studena peclive lisovana stava je vyrobena vyhradne z plodu puvodni vysokohorske odrudy tibetskeho rakytniku. Rucne sbirane, vyzrale plody jsou zarukou nejen mimoradne vysokeho obsahu ucinnych nutrientu, ale i prekvapive prijemne chuti, ktere nelze prirodni formou u jinych druhu docilit.