Pumpkin oil is also valued for its extraordinary abilities. It is a rich source of zinc, selenium, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium and iron. Vitamins of groups B, C and E. Possible turbidity is not a defect, it is a characteristic phenomenon of cold pressed oil. No additional coloring or preservatives, pure natural product.
Pumpkin oil is obtained by cold pressing followed by filtration. Thanks to this traditional technology, it retains more than 80% of unsaturated fatty acids and the maximum amount of other substances that would be destroyed by refining.
Our pumpkin kernel oil is 100% single-species and does not contain any cheaper oils or other additives, which is a common practice of other producers. Thanks to its taste, it is ideal for flavoring salads, toppings, cheeses or meat. We do not recommend oil for frying and baking. Pumpkin oil is also excellent in skin care, because it creates a protective film on it, which retains moisture inside and thus leaves the skin smooth and supple.
Dynovy olej je cenen i pro sve mimoradne schopnosti.Je bohatym zdrojem zinku selenu vapniku drasliku, fosforu, horcik i zeleza. Vitaminu skupiny B, C a E. Pripadny zakal neni na zavadu, je to charakteristicky jev za studena lisovaneho oleje. Bez pridavnych barvicich a konzervacnich latek, cisty prirodni produkt.
Dynovy olej se ziskava lisovanim za studena s naslednou filtraci. Diky teto tradicni technologii si zachovava vice nez 80 % nenasycenych mastnych kyselin a maximalni mnozstvi dalsich latek, ktere by byly rafinaci zniceny.
Nas olej z dynovych jader je 100 % jednodruhovy a neobsahuje zadne levnejsi oleje ani jine primesi, coz je casta praxe jinych producentu. Diky sve chuti je idealni na dochuceni salatu, zalivek, syru nebo masa. Olej nedoporucujeme na smazeni a peceni. Dynovy olej se vyborne hodi i v peci o pokozku, protoze na ni vytvari ochranny film, ktery zadrzuje vlhkost uvnitr a tim plet zanechava hladkou a pruznou.