Chia seeds are consumed whole and ground. They can be consumed as part of vegetable salads or added to pastries, yoghurts, cocktails, desserts and porridges. Chia seeds perfectly sow the body. The seeds can be combined into different dishes. The seeds can also be consumed in the form of a gel. It is enough to soak the seeds in water for 5-10 minutes. The gel can be added to porridge, cottage cheese, dough, but also drinks.
Characteristics of chia seeds
• Antioxidant effects
• Source of omega 3 unsaturated fatty acids
• They contain large amounts of fiber, protein, vitamins and minerals
Chia seminka se konzumuji vcelku i mlete. Daji se konzumat jako soucast zeleninovych salatu nebo se pridavaji do peciva, jogurtu, koktejlu, dezertu a kasi. Chia seminka vyborne zasiti organismus. Seminka lze kombinovat do ruznych pokrmu. Seminka lze konzumovat i ve forme gelu. Postaci kdyz seminka namocite na 5-10 minut do vody. Gel lze pridat do kasi, tvarohu, testa, ale i napoju.
Charakteristika chia seminek
• Antioxidacni ucinky
• Zdroj omega 3 mastnych nenasycenych kyselin
• Obsahuji velke mnozstvi vlakniny, bilkovin, vitaminu a mineralu