Vitamins and minerals from the USA (Vitaminy i mineraly iz SSHA)

  • Витамины и минералы из США на
  • Vitamins and Minerals from the USA at
  • Vitaminas y minerales de EE. UU. En
  • Vitamines et minéraux des États-Unis sur
  • Вітаміни та мінерали з США на
  • ვიტამინები და მინერალები აშშ – დან– ზე
  • saytida AQShdan vitaminlar va minerallar
  • saytında ABŞ-dan vitaminlər və minerallar
  • Vitamíny a minerály z USA na
  • Vitamine und Mineralien aus den USA bei
  • Vitaminas e minerais dos EUA em
  • فيتامينات ومعادن من الولايات المتحدة في
  • Vitamin và Khoáng chất từ ​​Hoa Kỳ tại
  • 來自Apozona.com的美國維生素和礦物質
  •’da ABD’den Vitaminler ve Mineraller
  • Βιταμίνες και μέταλλα από τις ΗΠΑ στο

Vitamins and minerals from the USA

The words “vitamins — the source of health” are familiar to us from childhood, and we are so used to them that we stop attaching importance to them. But in vain! After all, in fact, it is absolutely impossible to ensure full health without vitamins. Who hasn’t experienced rapid fatigue and drowsiness in the spring? Probably, many people noticed that during this period people often suffer from headaches, dizziness, colds, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (for example, ulcers). All this is largely due to the lack of certain vitamins in the spring, especially vitamin C, which is found in significant quantities in fresh vegetables and fruits.

During the summer and autumn, the body is saturated with vitamins to a certain extent (for example, the supply of vitamin C in the liver can be stored and consumed for 2-6 months). During the winter months, if there was no necessary additional intake, these reserves are depleted and the so-called hypovitaminosis occurs, i.e. the lack of one or more vitamins in the human body.

Non-specific signs of hypovitaminosis (vitamin deficiency) ; avitaminosis, its complete absence, include weakness, fatigue, poor appetite (not always), decreased performance, resistance to colds and other diseases, depressed state of mind, apathy. But such symptoms are observed in many diseases.

Vitamins play a very important role in the processes of assimilation of food substances and in many biochemical reactions of the body. Most of the vitamins come from food, some of them are synthesized by the intestinal microbial flora and absorbed into the blood, so even in the absence of such vitamins in food, the body does not feel the need for them.

The intake of vitamins in the body may be insufficient as a result of improper culinary processing of food: heating, canning, Smoking, drying, freezing, or due to national, one-sided nutrition.

Many vitamins are quickly destroyed and do not accumulate in the body in the right amounts, so a person needs a constant supply of them with food. This is especially true for vitamins A, D, B1 and B2, PP and C.

Science currently knows a large number of vitamins, but we will focus only on the main ones that are of particular importance in the nutrition of the population of our country.


Vitamins, a group of organic compounds that are essential for the human body and animals, have very high biological activity, are present in insignificant amounts in food, but are of great importance for normal metabolism and vital activity.

Most of them enter the body with food, and only some are synthesized in the intestine by the beneficial microorganisms that live in it, but even in this case they are not always enough. Modern scientific information testifies to the extremely diverse participation of vitamins in the process of ensuring the vital activity of the human body. Some of them are mandatory components of enzyme systems and hormones that regulate numerous stages of metabolism in the body, while others are the source material for the synthesis of tissue hormones. Vitamins to a large extent ensure the normal functioning of the nervous system, muscles and other organs and many physiological systems.

The level of vitamin nutrition depends on the level of mental and physical performance, endurance and resistance of the body to the influence of adverse environmental factors, including infections and toxins. Food products can contain not only vitamins themselves, but also precursor substances-provitamins, which only after a series of transformations in the body become vitamins.

Violations of the normal course of vital processes in the body due to the long-term absence of a particular vitamin in the diet lead to severe diseases, known collectively as beriberi. At present, such situations are almost non-existent. In rare cases, beriberi are possible as a result of diseases that result in the cessation of vitamin absorption or its increased destruction in the gastrointestinal tract.

These vitamins and minerals from the USA include the following medications:

  • Swiss Sleepnox Forte 30 kapslí 30st
  • SWISS Max Brusinky 8500 Mg 108 Pcs
  • SYNERGIA Indonal Man 120 Kapslí
  • VIGANTOL 10 ml
  • VIGANTOL Öl 20.000 I.E./Ml 10×10 Ml
  • VIGANTOLETTEN 1.000 I.E. Vitamin D3 50pcs.
  • VitaHarmony Rybí Olej Omega 3 1000 Mg 150 Tobolek
  • Walmark B-COMPLEX + VITAMIN C 100 TBL
  • Walmark Chróm Forte 0.200mg tbl.30 new
  • WALMARK GinkoPrim MAX 60 tabl
  • WALMARK GinkoPrim MAX 120 tabl
  • Walmark GUMMI 50 pieces
  • Apoday Kirsch Magnesium + Vitamin C WEPA Apothekenbedarf GmbH & Co KG
  • Additiva Vitamin C mit Zitronengeschmack ** Dr.B.Scheffler Nachf. GmbH & Co. KG
  • Vitamin C 200 Mg Tabletten ** medphano Arzneimittel GmbH
  • Vitamin B6 20 mg Jenapharm Tabletten MIBE GmbH Arzneimittel
  • Vitamin C 300 + Zink 5 retard Dr. Zinke Diätetika GmbH
  • B6 ASMEDIC ** Dyckerhoff Pharma GmbH & Co.KG
  • Vitamin B2 10 mg Jenapharm Tabletten ** MIBE GmbH Arzneimittel

The newest vitamin complexes:

  • Country Life, Core Daily-1 Multivitamins, Women 50+, 60 Tablets
  • Garden of Life, Mykind Organics, Prenatal Once Daily, 90 Vegan Tablets

The assortment of Internet shop at the moment makes about 70 000 names, and this is only the beginning, after all it replenishes and expands the sphere of its services.

Buy vitamins and minerals from the USA (Kupit’ vitaminy i mineraly iz SSHA)

  • Купить витамины и минералы из США на
  • Buy vitamins & minerals from USA at
  • Compre vitaminas y minerales de EE. UU. En
  • Achetez des vitamines et des minéraux des États-Unis sur
  • Купити вітаміни і мінерали з США на
  • შეიძინეთ ვიტამინები და მინერალები აშშ – დან– ზე
  • Vitaminlar va minerallarni AQShdan saytidan sotib oling
  • saytından ABŞ-dan vitaminlər və minerallar alın
  • Nakupujte vitamíny a minerály z USA na
  • Kaufen Sie Vitamine & Mineralien aus den USA bei
  • Compre Vitaminas e Minerais dos EUA em
  • اشتر الفيتامينات والمعادن من الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية في
  • Mua Vitamin & Khoáng chất từ ​​Mỹ tại
  • 在Apozona.com上從美國購買維生素和礦物質
  •’da ABD’den Vitamin ve Mineral Satın Alın
  • Αγοράστε βιταμίνες και μέταλλα από τις ΗΠΑ στο

In the online store you can always buy vitamins and minerals and medicines you are interested from the USA on the most favorable terms.

In order to buy vitamins and minerals from the USA you only need to leave a request for and within 12 hours our manager will contact you.

For more productive work it is necessary to indicate the name of the vitamins and minerals and the necessary dosage.

Ordering American vitamins and minerals with delivery in the period of 3 to 14 days in our online store, you protect yourself and your family from forgery and substandard medicines.

Delivery of vitamins and minerals from the USA (Dostavka lekarstv iz SSHA)

  • Аптека онлайн, аптека E-shop, интернет аптека в США
  • Online pharmacy, E-shop pharmacy, online pharmacy in USA
  • Farmacia online, farmacia online, farmacia online en EE. UU.
  • Pharmacie en ligne, pharmacie en ligne, pharmacie en ligne aux Etats-Unis
  • Аптека онлайн, аптека E-shop, інтернет аптека в США
  • ონლაინ აფთიაქი, ელექტრონული მაღაზიის აფთიაქი, ონლაინ აფთიაქი აშშ-ში
  • Onlayn dorixona, elektron do’kon dorixonasi, AQShdagi onlayn dorixona
  • Online aptek, e-mağaza aptek, ABŞ-da onlayn aptek
  • Lékárna online, lékárna elektronického obchodu, lékárna online v USA
  • Online-Apotheke, E-Shop-Apotheke, Online-Apotheke in den USA
  • Farmácia on-line, farmácia de loja virtual, farmácia on-line nos EUA
  • صيدلية على الإنترنت ، صيدلية متجر إلكتروني ، صيدلية على الإنترنت في الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية
  • Hiệu thuốc trực tuyến, Hiệu thuốc cửa hàng điện tử, hiệu thuốc trực tuyến ở Hoa Kỳ
  • 在線藥房,網上商店藥房,美國在線藥房
  • Çevrimiçi eczane, E-mağaza eczanesi, ABD’deki çevrimiçi eczane
  • Διαδικτυακό φαρμακείο, φαρμακείο ηλεκτρονικού καταστήματος, διαδικτυακό φαρμακείο στις ΗΠΑ

On our site the vitamins and minerals from the USA are widely presented from all diseases, as well as the maintenance of beauty and health.

A detailed description and instructions to which you can always find using a convenient search engine on the site. We will deliver certified vitamins and minerals to you using the DHL delivery service.

Also you can buy the goods with the help of GLS delivery or place an order with delivery by mail to your city.

We will deliver you medicines from the USA with all accompanying documents, that you would be confident in achieving the desired result in the treatment and maintenance of your health at a high level.

Order vitamins and minerals from the USA (Zakazat’ vitaminy iz SSHA)

  • Заказать витамины и минералы из США на
  • Order vitamins & minerals from USA at
  • Ordene vitaminas y minerales de EE. UU. En
  • Commandez des vitamines et des minéraux des États-Unis sur
  • Замовити вітаміни і мінерали з США на
  • შეუკვეთეთ ვიტამინები და მინერალები აშშ – დან– ზე
  • saytida AQShdan vitaminlar va minerallarga buyurtma bering
  • saytından ABŞ-dan vitaminlər və minerallar sifariş edin
  • Objednejte si vitamíny a minerály z USA na
  • Bestellen Sie Vitamine & Mineralien aus den USA bei
  • Encomende vitaminas e minerais dos EUA em
  • اطلب الفيتامينات والمعادن من الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية في
  • Đặt mua Vitamin & Khoáng chất từ ​​Mỹ tại
  • 在Apozona.com上從美國訂購維生素和礦物質
  •’da ABD’den vitamin ve mineral sipariş edin
  • Παραγγείλετε βιταμίνες και μέταλλα από τις ΗΠΑ στο

At you can order not only simple over-the-counter vitamins and minerals from the USA, such as vitamins, dietary supplements, antipyretic and pain medications.

You also have the option of delivering prescription medications prescribed by your health care provider.
And also it is easy to order expensive and “luxury” cosmetics and medical equipment of American manufacture.

Specialists of the online pharmacy will advise you on the terms of delivery and payment terms, and also help arrange ordering of medicines from the USA in a specialized online store as soon as possible.

We offer you to order American medical products with delivery to your city on the most weekend conditions without leaving home.

To place an order, fill out the form and send it to an email

Order form:

1. Name of the drug
2. Dosage
3. Brand
4. Quantity

Send to the

TOP-list of vitamins and minerals from the USA. Popular vitamins and minerals from the USA (Populyarnye vitaminy i mineraly iz SSHA)

On the site you will find the most popular vitamins and minerals from the USA
at the most attractive prices with delivery to your city.

On the main page of the site are always presented to your attention promotional products, vitamins and minerals at a discount, as well as TOP vitamins and minerals from the USA and other countries of the world. We offer you not only the most popular and sought-after preparations from the USA, but also a wide selection of rare and expensive vitamins and minerals and high-quality cosmetics that meet European standards.

Our specialists will gladly advise you, and will tell you about the terms of delivery and the terms of payment in order to deliver vitamins and minerals and medicines from the USA to you as soon as possible and on terms that are favorable to you.

Tags: Заказать витамины и минералы из США, онлайн аптека в США, доставка витаминов и минералов из США, Order vitamins and minerals from USA, online pharmacy in USA, delivery of vitamins and minerals from USA, Solicite vitaminas y minerales de EE. UU., Farmacia en línea en EE. UU., Entrega de vitaminas y minerales de EE. UU., Commandez des vitamines et minéraux des USA, pharmacie en ligne aux USA, livraison de vitamines et minéraux des USA