Cieszyn apples. And still sour… It might seem that associating something like this with wars, even half-forgotten ones, is not at all appropriate. And yet they probably best describe the contents of this book. After the First World War, Czechoslovakia and Poland claimed the territory of the Těšín Principality. In January 1919, the dispute culminated in a seven-day war, in which the Czechoslovak legions first occupied most of Těšín, but later withdrew from the decision of politicians on the border along the Olša River. The part of Cieszyn that fell to Czechoslovakia became one of the enduring problems of Czechoslovak-Polish relations. At the end of September 1938, the Polish government forced the newly truncated and plundered Czechoslovakia by the Munich Agreement to extradite it under the threat of a military attack in Zaolží. With the end of the Second World War, the dispute over Těšín flared up again, and this time it was also the Czechoslovak soldiers who occupied part of Racibórz in June 1945. They had to withdraw again, and troops stood at the border, ready to attack. Were it not for the Soviet troops that separated them… Eventually, in Stalin’s intervention, the two countries had to conclude an alliance agreement in 1947. Cieszyn, with its diverse ethnic composition, experienced a very difficult time between 1918 and 1947, and Czechs, Poles, Germans, Šlonzs and Jews, who many times believed in vain promises that raised vain hopes, experienced persecution here. And when they found out, no consolation helped them, they only received more false promises and hopes.
Year of publication: 2018
language: Czech
Publisher: Epocha
Binding, number of pages: Binding, 312 pages
Dimensions: 155 x 215 mm
Tesinska jablicka. A jeste kysela… Mohlo by se zdat, ze spojovat neco takoveho s valkami, byt polozapomenutymi, se ani trochu nehodi. A prece asi nejlepe vystihuji obsah teto knizky. Na uzemi Tesinskeho knizectvi si po prvni svetove valce delaly narok Ceskoslovensko a Polsko. V lednu 1919 spor vyvrcholil sedmidenni valkou, v niz nejprve ceskoslovenske legie obsadily vetsinu Tesinska, aby pozdeji z rozhodnuti politiku ustoupily na hranici probihajici po rece Olsi. Cast Tesinska, ktera pripadla Ceskoslovensku, se stala jednim z trvalych problemu ceskoslovensko-polskych vztahu. Na konci zari 1938 prinutila polska vlada mnichovskou dohodou prave zdeptane a oloupene Ceskoslovensko, aby ji pod hrozbou vojenskeho utoku Zaolzi vydalo. S koncem druhe svetove valky se spor o Tesinsko rozhorel znovu a take tentokrat to byli ceskoslovensti vojaci, kteri obsadili v cervnu 1945 cast Ratiborska. Opet se museli stahnout a na hranicich stala vojska pripravena k utoku. Kdyby nebylo sovetskych jednotek, ktere je od sebe oddelily… Nakonec na zasah Stalina musely obe zeme uzavrit v roce 1947 spojeneckou smlouvu. Tesinsko s pestrym narodnostnim slozenim prozilo mezi lety 1918 a 1947 hodne tezke chvile, pronasledovani tu poznali Cesi, Polaci, Nemci, Slonzaci i Zide, kteri mnohokrat uverili planym slibum probouzejicim plane nadeje. A kdyz to zjistili, uz jim nepomohlo zadne utesovani, dostali jen dalsi plane sliby a nadeje.
Rok vydani: 2018
Jazyk: Cesky
Nakladatel: Epocha
Vazba, pocet stran: Vazana, 312 stran
Rozmery: 155 x 215 mm