Chlorella Pyrenoidosa is a unicellular green alga, which is one of the richest sources of vitamins, minerals, proteins, amino acids, nucleic acids (DNA and RNA), glycoprotein, polychloroella midi, chlorophyll and other rare substances. The most effective substance of chlorella is the so-called growth factor – Chlorella Growth Factor (CGF).
The proteins contained in chlorella are more similar to animal than vegetable, but they are much healthier than conventional animal proteins.
Chlorella is characterized by a high concentration of chlorophyll, it contains more chlorophyll than any other known plant (5 times more than spirulina and 10 times more than alfalfa). Chlorophyll is valued as the strongest detoxifying and cleansing agent in nature.
Chlorella is a purely natural product and therefore the nutrients contained in it are in exactly the form, balance and structure in which nature wanted them.
Because chlorella is an algae, it has a cellulose wall that we cannot digest, so our manufacturer very gently breaks it mechanically and your body gets to its rare nutrients.
In 9 years, a lot of different sellers of “chlorella” type algae have “emerged” in our market. However, everyone only says on their website that theirs is the best.
Chlorella Pyrenoidosa je jednobunecna zelena rasa, ktera predstavuje jeden z nejbohatsich zdroju vitaminu, mineralu, bilkovin, aminokyselin, nukleovych kyselin (DNA a RNA), glykoproteinu, polyaChlorella midu, chlorofylu a dalsich vzacnych latek. Nejucinnejsi latkou chlorelly je takzvany rustovy faktor – Chlorella Growth Factor (CGF).
Bilkoviny obsazene v chlorelle jsou vice podobne zivocisnym, nez rostlinnym, ale jsou o hodne zdravejsi, nez klasicke zivocisne proteiny.
Chlorella se vyznacuje vysokou koncentraci chlorofylu, obsahuje vice chlorofylu nez jakakoli jina znama rostlina (5x vice nez spirulina a 10x vice nez vojteska). Chlorofyl je cenen jako nejsilnejsi detoxikacni a cistici prostredek v prirode.
Chlorella je ciste prirodni produkt a proto jsou ziviny v ni obsazene v presne takove forme, rovnovaze a strukture, v jake je priroda chtela.
Protoze je chlorella rasa, ma celulozovou stenu, kterou nedovedeme stravit, proto ji nas vyrobce velice setrne mechanicky rozrusi a Vase telo se dostane k jejim vzacnym zivinam.
Za 9 roku se na nasem trhu „vyrojilo „spousta ruznych prodejcu rasy typu „chlorela“ Kazdy vsak pouze na svych strankach tvrdi, ze ta jeho je ta nejlepsi.