Quality combed cotton bed linen with crepe finish. Bluemoon blue bedding is toned in blue combined with gray and white. We recommend combining bedding with gray, light blue, white or denim sheets.
Exclusive design from the workshop of the manufacturer Dadka Vracov s.r.o .. The bedding bears the QZ brand together with the Czech Quality brand. Health safety certification for children under 3 years and adults.
Material composition: 100% combed cotton (the highest quality yarn, has a smooth to the touch surface) with a crepe finish.
Basis weight: 135 g / m2. Wash at 60 ° C. Fastening: zip. Crepe sheets are not ironed.
If the bedding name is marked TIP, we will sew bedding of other dimensions than we offer at your request.
French bedding from the menu with a size of 200×200 – 240×220 cm is sewn in the middle, but always so that the design is as close as possible. Coating size: width x length.
The maximum quality and softness of the laundry will guarantee you washing basically on the back and with the buttons on. We recommend washing colored laundry in a soft and colored laundry detergent and drying it in a curtain. If you follow these recommendations, our products will make you happy for a long time.
Kvalitni lozni pradlo z cesane bavlny s krepovou upravou. Povleceni Bluemoon modry je ladeny do modre barvy v kombinaci s sedou a bilou. Povleceni doporucujeme kombinovat s sedym, svetle modrym, bilym nebo denim prosteradlem.
Exclusivni navrh dezenu z dilny vyrobce Dadka Vracov s.r.o.. Povleceni je nositelem znacky QZ spolecne se znackou Ceska kvalita. Certifikace zdravotni nezavadnosti pro deti do 3 let i dospele.
Materialove slozeni : 100% cesana bavlna (nejkvalitnejsi prize, ma hladky na omak prijemny povrch) s krepovou upravou.
Plosna hmotnost: 135 g/m2. Prani na 60°C. Zapinani: zip. Krepove povleceni se nezehli.
Pokud je u nazvu povleceni oznaceni TIP, na Vase prani Vam usijeme povleceni i jinych rozmeru nez nabizime.
Francouzske povleceni z nabidky o rozmeru 200×200 – 240×220 cm je uprostred sesite, ale vzdy tak, aby dezen, co nejlepe navazoval. Rozmer povlaku: sirka x delka.
Maximalni kvalitu a jemnost pradla Vam zaruci prani zasadne po rubu a se zapnutymi knofliky. Barevne pradlo doporucujeme prat v prostredku na jemne a barevne pradlo a susit v zavesu. Pokud budete dodrzovat tato doporuceni, nase vyrobky Vam budou delat dlouho radost.