BIO MACA Peruvian STRONG – capsules – in a concentration of 6: 1 means that it is 6 times more concentrated extract of MACA than a regular powder. This means a higher concentration of active ingredients and a stronger effect.
Scientific research confirms its significant effect on improving physical and mental performance and, above all, has a significant effect on reproductive health. Helps with male sexual impotence, female frigidity and infertility. It is called the “Peruvian aphrodisiac” for its effects.
Maca did not become the subject of clinical research until 2001, when scientists confirmed its ability to support sperm production in men (in some cases an increase of up to 200%). Further research has found that it contributes equally to the improvement of sexual functions in men and women.
BIO MACA peruanska STRONG – kapsle – v koncentraci 6 : 1 znamena, ze jde o 6x koncentrovanejsi extraktMACA nez je bezny prasek. To znamena vyssi koncentraci ucinnych latek a silnejsi ucinek.
Vedecke vyzkumy potvrzuji jeji vyrazny ucinek na zlepseni fyzicke a psychicke vykonnosti a predevsim ma vyznamny vliv na reprodukcni zdravi. Pomaha pri sexualni impotenci muzu, frigidite zen a neplodnosti. Pro sve ucinky je nazyvana “Peruansym afrodisiakem”.
Predmetem klinickeho zkoumani se Maca stala az v roce 2001, kdy vedci potvrdili jeji schopnost podporovat u muzu produkci spermii (v nekterych pripadech narust az o 200%). Pri dalsim zkoumani se prislo na to, ze stejne prispiva ke zlepseni sexualnich funkci muzu a zen.