ICAO English textbook in preparation for the ICAO standard Doc 9835 AN / 453. It is also intended for pilots and other members of the aviation staff, as well as others who would like to expand their knowledge in the field of aviation English.
Author Jakub VIMR (1975) studied English at Sydney College of English. After returning to the Czech Republic in 1999, he began teaching English and after a few years he opened the ProfiLingua school, where he employed 80 teachers and taught in five cities in the Czech Republic. He has been interested in aviation since 2000, when he worked on the ANS simulator as a pseudo-pilot, where he learned the basics of aviation English and phraseology. He started flying gliders in 2002 and after several years of active flying, he began motor training culminating in type training on the A320. He currently flies over 1,700 hours to SEP, MEP. He teaches aviation English for IFR candidates and tests ICAO English. In one-to-one mode, he prepared over 100 pilots for the IFR English test and tested over 850 ICAO English candidates. This publication is based on rich pedagogical experience in the field of English training for pilots and teaching aimed at the general public.
Year of publication: 2014
Language: English
Publisher: Svet kridel
Binding, number of pages: Broken 120 pages + Audio CD
Dimensions: 165 x 235 mm
Ucebnice anglictiny ICAO jako priprava na zkousku dle normy ICAO Doc 9835 AN/453. Dale je urcena pro piloty a dalsi cleny leteckeho personalu, ale i ostatni, kdo by si chteli rozsirit sve znalosti v oblasti letecke anglictiny.
Autor Jakub VIMR (1975) studoval anglictinu na Sydney College of English. Po navratu do CR v roce 1999 zacal anglictinu ucit a po nekolika letech si otevrel skolu ProfiLingua, kde zamestnaval 80 lektoru a ucil v peti mestech v CR. O letectvi se zajima od roku 2000, kdy pracoval na simulatoru RLP na pozici pseudopilot, kde se naucil zaklady letecke anglictiny a frazeologii. Letat zacal na vetronich v roce 2002 a po nekolika letech aktivniho letani zacal motorovy vycvik zavrseny typovym vycvikem na A320. V soucasne dobe ma naletano pres 1700 hodin na SEP, MEP. Vyucuje leteckou anglictinu pro uchazece zkousky IFR a prezkusuje ICAO anglictinu. V rezimu one-to-one pripravil na zkousku IFR English pres 100 pilotu a prezkousel pres 850 uchazecu ICAO English. Tato publikace je zalozena na bohatych pedagogickych zkusenostech v oblasti vycviku anglictiny pro piloty i vyuky zamerene na sirokou verejnost.
Rok vydani: 2014
Jazyk: Anglicky
Nakladatel: Svet kridel
Vazba, pocet stran: Brozovana 120 stran + Audio CD
Rozmery: 165 x 235 mm