Healthy replaces excessive coffee consumption
Nardostachys jatamansi keeps blood pressure normal
It contributes to the relaxation of the nervous system
It helps to release stress and mental tension
Centella asiatica has a positive effect on the activity of the cardiovascular system
It benefits the vascular system and mental health
Sain remplace la consommation excessive de cafe
Nardostachys jatamansi maintient la tension arterielle normale
Il contribue a la relaxation du systeme nerveux
Il aide a liberer le stress et les tensions mentales
Centella asiatica a un effet positif sur l’activite du systeme cardiovasculaire
Il profite au systeme vasculaire et a la sante mentale
Zdrave nahrazuje nadmernou konzumaci kavy
Nardostachys jatamansi udrzuje krevni tlak v normalnich hodnotach
Prispiva k relaxaci nervove soustavy
Pomaha uvolnovat stres a psychicke napeti
Centella asiatica priznive pusobi na cinnost kardiovaskularniho systemu
Prospiva cevni soustave a dusevnimu zdravi