Medical cosmetics from Finland (Lechebnaya kosmetika iz Finlyandii)

  • Лечебная косметика из Финляндии на
  • Medical cosmetics from Finland on
  • Cosméticos médicos de Finlandia en
  • Cosmétiques médicaux de Finlande sur
  • Лікувальна косметика з Фінляндії на
  • სამედიცინო კოსმეტიკა ფინეთიდან– ზე
  • saytida Finlyandiyadan tibbiy kosmetika
  • saytında Finlandiyadan tibbi kosmetika
  • Lékařská kosmetika z Finska na
  • Medizinische Kosmetik aus Finnland auf
  • Cosméticos médicos da Finlândia em
  • مستحضرات التجميل الطبية من فنلندا على موقع
  • Mỹ phẩm y tế từ Phần Lan trên
  • 來自Apozona.com的芬蘭的醫用化妝品
  • Finlandiya’dan tıbbi kozmetikler’da
  • Ιατρικά καλλυντικά από τη Φινλανδία στο

Medical cosmetics from Finland

What are dermatological brands, how do they differ from others sold in regular stores, and why do more and more people prefer products created in medical laboratories, even without having chronic dermatological problems?

The online store “Healthy skin” cooperates with the following French laboratories: Aven (AVENE),A-DERMA(A-DERMA),DUCRAY(DUCRAY),Klorane (KLORANE),GALENIC (GALENIC).We also present Israeli professional cosmetics Christina (CHRISTINA), Japanese professional cosmetics for hair Label (LEBEL).Here you can also buy a tool for strengthening and growing eyelashes MD LASH (MD LASH),which is produced in the United States.
Our store was created with the active participation of dermatologists who often use the lines of DUCRAY brands (for solving problems of the scalp and in the treatment of acne), AVENE (for the care of problematic and atopic skin),A-derma and KLORANE (for the care of sensitive children’s skin), and not only. We take into account the interests of patients who can always consult with a dermatologist on Any topic that interests you when purchasing our products.

Dermatological brands are skin care products that are sold only in pharmacies and produced in European medical laboratories

What is the difference between the products of dermatological(medical) and professional cosmetics from the cosmetics of the so-called “mass market”,sold in regular stores? Dermatological cosmetics include dermato-aesthetic products of directed action that contain biologically active components and allow for therapeutic and preventive skin care in case of violation of any of its functions. Recall that this cosmetics is sold exclusively in pharmacies. In Europe, such cosmetics occupy a very special position – they are sold in special pharmacy stores and are prescribed by a doctor along with medicines, and in Russia they are not classified as medicines – this is due to the historical features of the Russian pharmacy system. 20 years ago, there were no medical cosmetics in pharmacies, so when it appeared in large quantities, it was easier to refer it to the class of perfumes and cosmetics. Dermatological cosmetics are designed for people who want to take care of themselves professionally, but at home. It is important for them not only aesthetic pleasure, but also the solution of the dermatological problem for which this tool is purchased. Dermatological cosmetics are intended not only for prevention, but also for safe and effective skin care of any age and gender with such problems as:

– dehydration
– reduced elasticity
– dryness
– wrinkles
– zits
– rosacea(redness on the skin)
– hypersensitivity
– fat content of the skin
– enlarged pores
– hair loss
– dandruff
– itching of the scalp
– cellulite
– striae(stretch marks) and much more.

It can also be used for:

– Correction during remission of atopic dermatitis, psoriasis , seborrheic dermatitis and other chronic skin diseases
-Monotherapy of the initial stages of rosacea (rosacea),acne(common acne), alopecia(hair loss),tendency to atopy (dryness, hypersensitivity of the skin, tendency to allergic reactions and itching) , etc.
– Support of drug therapy for skin care during the period of exacerbation of a number of skin diseases.

Do not assume that medical cosmetics are intended only for people with skin diseases – along with the lines designed to address specific dermatological problems (to combat acne, hair loss, seborrhea, psoriasis, atopic dermatitis), in each dermatological brand(such as AVEN(AVENE) AND-Dermis(A-DERMA),Ducre (DUCRAY),Kloran (KLORANE), Galenic (GALENIC), there are also lines for daily ,constant care for normal skin in need of moisture, combat wrinkles, and other signs of aging, to protect and withstand aggressive environmental influences. In the brands of medical Cosmetics KLORANE there are also a number of shampoos, hair masks, deodorants and body care products. GALENIC laboratory presents a variety of products for skin nutrition and restoration (Argan line),for correcting wrinkles and increasing skin elasticity(Biofice line), also containing perfectly moisturizing face and eye skin preparations, means for giving vital energy and radiance to the skin, correcting the first signs of aging (Nektalis line), a special line of moisturizers with wild berry extract, the Cotre line –adequate care for mixed and oily skin, a special line for cleansing, as well as an amazing line of body products-Elancil (elancyl), containing means for correcting fat deposits, treating cellulite and giving tone and elasticity to the skin of the body.

And the difference from other brands of cosmetics is that these products

– HYPOALLERGENIC,they are dermatologically tested, they must meet the same requirements as drugs(as they are in Europe and the West in principle, higher than in Russia),because these products are treated as drugs, respectively, they undergo repeated clinical trials, a large, long-term, as volunteers without dermatological problems, and with the participation of people with a tendency to allergic reactions, and patients ‘ dermatological profile. Products sold in regular stores ,even in the luxury category, despite their very high prices, do not pass such tests, and if they are tested, it is on healthy people and therefore is not hypoallergenic.

– Non – comedogenicity – the second most IMPORTANT property of dermatological (therapeutic ) cosmetics-often patients suffering from acne do not use any creams at all, because they associate their use with the appearance of fresh rashes. Unlike conventional products, dermatological preparations are non-COMEDOGENIC(they do not contain substances that provoke the formation of comedones) – that is, they do not clog the pores and never cause acne.

This medical cosmetics from Finland include the following medications:

  • Merck – линия Иклен (Iklen)
  • Uriage – линия Депидерм (Depiderm)
  • Lierac — набор Активная Коррекция Пигментных Пятен
  • Prime Renewing Pack от Valmont.
  • Ultra-Moisturizing Facе от Topicrem.
  • Atoderm Po Zink от Bioderma
  • Micellar Lotio от Avene
  • Extreme от Ahava
  • Liftactiv Retinol от Vichy
  • Sensidiane Eye Area Intolerant Skin
  • Ictyane Eau micellaire hydratante от Ducray
  • Антивозрастной крем-сыворотка от Коры
  • Eau micellaire Sébium H2O от Bioderma
  • Le soin intense purifiant Sébium global
  • Аu beurre de mangue от Klorane
  • Aprés-shampoing от Klorane
  • Masque réparateur nutrition intense от Klorane
  • La Roche-Posay
  • Crème Tolérence Extrême от Avene
  • Eau Thermale d’Avène

The assortment of Internet shop at the moment makes about 70 000 names, and this is only the beginning, after all it replenishes and expands the sphere of its services.

Buy medical cosmetics from Finland (Kupit’ lechebnuyu kosmetiku iz Finlyandii)

  • Купить лечебную косметику из Финляндии на
  • Buy medicinal cosmetics from Finland on
  • Compre cosméticos médicos de Finlandia en
  • Achetez des cosmétiques médicaux de Finlande sur
  • Купити лікувальну косметику з Фінляндії на
  • შეიძინეთ სამედიცინო კოსმეტიკა ფინეთიდან– ზე
  • saytida Finlyandiyadan tibbiy kosmetika vositalarini sotib oling
  • saytında Finlandiyadan dərman kosmetikası alın
  • Kupte si lékařskou kosmetiku z Finska na
  • Kaufen Sie medizinische Kosmetik aus Finnland auf
  • Compre cosméticos médicos da Finlândia em
  • اشتري مستحضرات التجميل الطبية من فنلندا على موقع
  • Mua mỹ phẩm y tế từ Phần Lan trên
  • 在Apozona.com上從芬蘭購買醫療化妝品
  •’da Finlandiya’dan tıbbi kozmetik satın alın
  • Αγοράστε φαρμακευτικά καλλυντικά από τη Φινλανδία στο

In the online store you can always buy medical cosmetics and medicines you are interested from Finland on the most favorable terms.

In order to buy medical cosmetics from Finland you only need to leave a request for and within 12 hours our manager will contact you.

For more productive work it is necessary to indicate the name of the vitamins and minerals and the necessary dosage.

Ordering Finnish medical cosmetics with delivery in the period of 3 to 14 days in our online store, you protect yourself and your family from forgery and substandard medicines.

Delivery of medical cosmetics from Finland (Dostavka lechebnoy kosmetiki iz Finlyandii)

  • Аптека онлайн, аптека E-shop, интернет аптека в Финляндии
  • Online pharmacy, E-shop pharmacy, online pharmacy in Finland
  • Farmacia online, farmacia online, farmacia online en Finlandia
  • Pharmacie en ligne, pharmacie en ligne, pharmacie en ligne en Finlande
  • Аптека онлайн, аптека E-shop, інтернет аптека в Фінляндії
  • ონლაინ აფთიაქი, ელექტრონული მაღაზიის აფთიაქი, ონლაინ აფთიაქი ფინეთში
  • Onlayn dorixona, Elektron do’kon dorixonasi, Finlyandiyada onlayn dorixona
  • Finlandiya’daki onlayn eczane, e-mağaza aptek, onlayn eczane
  • Lékárna online, lékárna elektronického obchodu, lékárna online ve Finsku
  • Online-Apotheke, E-Shop-Apotheke, Online-Apotheke in Finnland
  • Farmácia on-line, farmácia de loja virtual, farmácia on-line na Finlândia
  • صيدلية على الإنترنت ، صيدلية متجر إلكتروني ، صيدلية على الإنترنت في فنلندا
  • Hiệu thuốc trực tuyến, Hiệu thuốc tại cửa hàng điện tử, hiệu thuốc trực tuyến ở Phần Lan
  • 芬蘭的在線藥房,網上商店藥房,在線藥房
  • Çevrimiçi eczane, E-mağaza eczanesi, Finlandiya’daki çevrimiçi eczane
  • Διαδικτυακό φαρμακείο, φαρμακείο ηλεκτρονικού καταστήματος, διαδικτυακό φαρμακείο στη Φινλανδία

On our site the medical cosmetics from India are widely presented from all diseases, as well as the maintenance of beauty and health.

A detailed description and instructions to which you can always find using a convenient search engine on the site. We will deliver certified medical cosmetics to you using the DHL delivery service.

Also you can buy the goods with the help of GLS delivery or place an order with delivery by mail to your city.

We will deliver you medicines from Finland with all accompanying documents, that you would be confident in achieving the desired result in the treatment and maintenance of your health at a high level.

Order medical cosmetics from Finland (Zakazat’ lechebnuyu kosmetiku iz Finlyandii)

  • Заказать лечебную косметику из Финляндии на
  • Order medical cosmetics from Finland on
  • Solicite cosméticos médicos de Finlandia en
  • Commandez des cosmétiques médicaux en Finlande sur
  • Замовити лікувальну косметику з Фінляндії на
  • შეუკვეთეთ სამედიცინო კოსმეტიკა ფინეთიდან– ზე
  • saytida Finlyandiyadan tibbiy kosmetik vositalarga buyurtma bering
  • saytında Finlandiyadan tibbi kosmetika sifariş edin
  • Objednejte si lékařskou kosmetiku z Finska na
  • Bestellen Sie medizinische Kosmetik aus Finnland auf
  • Encomende cosméticos médicos da Finlândia em
  • اطلب مستحضرات التجميل الطبية من فنلندا على موقع
  • Đặt mua mỹ phẩm y tế từ Phần Lan trên
  • 在Apozona.com上從芬蘭訂購醫療化妝品
  •’da Finlandiya’dan tıbbi kozmetik sipariş edin
  • Παραγγείλετε ιατρικά καλλυντικά από τη Φινλανδία στο

At you can order not only simple over-the-counter medical cosmetics from Finland, such as vitamins, dietary supplements, antipyretic and pain medications.

You also have the option of delivering prescription medications prescribed by your health care provider.

And also it is easy to order expensive and “luxury” cosmetics and medical equipment of Indian manufacture.

Specialists of the online pharmacy will advise you on the terms of delivery and payment terms, and also help arrange ordering of medicines from Finland in a specialized online store as soon as possible.

We offer you to order Finnish medical products with delivery to your city on the most weekend conditions without leaving home.

To place an order, fill out the form and send it to an email

Order form:

1. Name of the drug
2. Dosage
3. Brand
4. Quantity

Send to the

TOP-list of medical cosmetics from Finland. Popular medical cosmetics from Finland (Populyarnaya lechebnaya kosmetika iz Finlyandii)

On the site you will find the most popular medical cosmetics from Finland
at the most attractive prices with delivery to your city.

On the main page of the site are always presented to your attention promotional products, medical cosmetics at a discount, as well as TOP medical cosmetics from Finland and other countries of the world. We offer you not only the most popular and sought-after preparations from Finland, but also a wide selection of rare and expensive medical cosmetics and high-quality cosmetics that meet European standards.
Our specialists will gladly advise you, and will tell you about the terms of delivery and the terms of payment in order to deliver medical cosmetics and medicines from Finland to you as soon as possible and on terms that are favorable to you.

Tags: Заказать лечебную косметику из Финляндии, онлайн аптека в Финляндии, доставка лечебной косметики из Финляндии, Order medical cosmetics from Finland, online pharmacy in Finland, delivery of medical cosmetics from Finland, Ordene cosméticos médicos de Finlandia, farmacia en línea en Finlandia, entrega de cosméticos médicos de Finlandia, Commandez des cosmétiques médicaux de Finlande, pharmacie en ligne en Finlande, livraison de cosmétiques médicaux de Finlande