Натуральный чистый экстракт корня Curcuma longa
Оптимальное всасывание через мицеллярную куркуму
Мицеллярная куркума с биодоступностью в 185 раз выше
Без глютена и лактозы
Lutezan Omega 3 is a dietary supplement composition containing specially selected carotenoids, vitamins and minerals that are essential for the proper functioning of the human body, including the organ of vision.
Mamadha Premium+ contains a properly selected composition of DHA, vitamins and minerals - ingredients that support the care of the pregnant woman's body and the proper development of the fetus and pregnancy.
MamaDHA with Iron is a dietary supplement in capsule form containing the fatty acids EPA and DHA from fish oil, iron, vitamin D, folic acid and iodine.
Maxi3Vena is a dietary supplement containing butcher's broom extract, ascorbic acid and hesperidin, which support the proper functioning of the venous system and have a beneficial effect on the functioning of blood vessels.
Mukopect Control is a drug used for the symptomatic treatment of respiratory diseases accompanied by excessive secretion of thick and viscous secretions.