To stimulate the metabolic functions of liver-biliary disease (Hepato - Cholecysto degenerative disc disease), lack of appetite, bloating, flatulence, discomfort (flatulence) and itching of the skin, eczema
To stimulate the metabolic functions of liver-biliary disease (Hepato-Cholecysto degenerative disc disease), lack of appetite, bloating, flatulence, discomfort (flatulence) and itching of the skin, eczema.
To stimulate the metabolic functions of liver-biliary disease (Hepato-Cholecysto degenerative disc disease), lack of appetite, bloating, flatulence, discomfort (flatulence) and itching of the skin, eczema.
For stimulation and harmonization of the rhythmic system in vegetative dystonia, functional heart complaints, also on a degenerative basis, nausea, and dizziness
On the harmonization of secretion and motility in the upper digestive tract, e.g. in heartburn, excessive acidity of the gastric juice (hyperacidity), ulcers in the digestive tract (ulcer disease).