Algofen Tablets is used in the treatment of pain of various origins and nature (headache, toothache, neuralgia, osteoarticular and muscle pain, menstrual pain
Coryfin C 100 candies with vitamin C is symptomatic in the treatment of cough and hoarseness. The product relieves local irritation and reduces phlegm, even in smokers.
Coryfin C 100 candies with vitamin C is symptomatic in the treatment of cough and hoarseness. The product relieves local irritation and reduces phlegm, even in smokers.
Coryfin C lemon candy is symptomatic in the treatment of cough and hoarseness. The product relieves local irritation and reduces phlegm, even in smokers.
Coryfin C caramelle al limone è sintomatico nel trattamento della tosse e della raucedine. Il prodotto allevia l'irritazione locale e riduce il catarro, anche nei fumatori.
Coryfin Gola is used in the topical treatment in angina, stomatitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, gingivitis. After dental extractions it is useful for the prophylaxis of infections.