Showing 1–12 of 32 results

Aicardi Laxative Drops Sodium Picosulfate Constipation, 15 ml

Aicardi Gocce Laxative is used in the short-term treatment of occasional constipation thanks to the action of sodium picosulfate.

Algofen 200 mg Ibuprofen Analgesic, 12

Algofen Tablets fights pain of various origins and nature (headache, toothache, neuralgia, osteoarticular and muscle pain, menstrual pain).

Algofen 200 mg Ibuprofen Analgesic, 24

Algofen Tablets is used in the treatment of pain of various origins and nature (headache, toothache, neuralgia, osteoarticular and muscle pain, menstrual pain

Centellase 30mg Centella asiatica Venous insufficiency, 30

Centellase Tablets is used in case of symptoms attributable to venous insufficiency and states of capillary fragility.

Coryfin C 100 Vitamin C 6.5mg + 112.5mg Cough, 24

Coryfin C 100 candies with vitamin C is symptomatic in the treatment of cough and hoarseness. The product relieves local irritation and reduces phlegm, even in smokers.

Coryfin C 100 Vitamin C 6.5mg + 112.5mg Cough, 24

Coryfin C 100 candies with vitamin C is symptomatic in the treatment of cough and hoarseness. The product relieves local irritation and reduces phlegm, even in smokers.

Coryfin C Menthol 6.5mg + 18mg Cough, 24

Coryfin C Menthol Candies is an over-the-counter drug recommended for the treatment of cough and hoarseness symptoms.

Coryfin Expectorant 3 mg / ml Ambroxol Syrup 200 ml

Coryfin Expectorant 3 mg / ml Ambroxol Syrup 200 ml

Coryphin C Lemone 2.8 mg + 16.8 mg Tosse, 24

Coryfin C lemon candy is symptomatic in the treatment of cough and hoarseness. The product relieves local irritation and reduces phlegm, even in smokers.

Coryphin C Lemone 2.8 mg + 16.8 mg Tosse, 24

Coryfin C caramelle al limone è sintomatico nel trattamento della tosse e della raucedine. Il prodotto allevia l'irritazione locale e riduce il catarro, anche nei fumatori.

Coryphin Gola 0.25 mg Decalinio Kloruro, 20

Coryfin Gola is used in the topical treatment in angina, stomatitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, gingivitis. After dental extractions it is useful for the prophylaxis of infections.

Dermocortal Cream 0.5% Hydrocortisone, 20g

Dermocortal Cream is used in sensitive steroid dermatoses, contact eczema, dyshidrosis, insect bites.