MalleoLoc – spare tapes – set
MalleoLoc is an orthosis with high functional stability, it prevents foot distortion without restricting mobility. MalleoLoc rests on the ankle from the outside and thus prevents sub-ankle subluxation. The so-called drawer symptom is prevented and the anteroventral structure of the joint capsule is protected. MalleoLoc fits well and is comfortable to wear in all types of walking, closed and sports shoes
MalleoLoc L3 – multifunctional ankle orthosis
The orthosis helps protect the unstable ankle from overload. The MalleoLoc L3 orthosis is suitable for multi-stage treatment for patients with chronic disease because it is adaptable: the stabilizing effect can be dosed depending on the course of treatment or, if necessary, in three steps. It stabilizes on one side from the outer ankle with L-shaped reinforcement and fastening straps. In addition, a compression bandage activating the muscles is integrated. The brace and straps can be easily removed. Thanks to its flat construction, the MalleoLoc L3 also fits into everyday shoes with a narrow shape and ensures safe stabilization.
MalleoLoc® L – ankle orthosis with one-sided shell
During daily activities such as walking, walking up and down stairs, an unstable ankle needs protection to prevent foot distortion. The MalleoLoc L orthosis stabilizes with a firm shell from the outside of the ankle and with the help of securing straps also in a narrow shoe thanks to the slim design. The anatomically shaped L shell and securing straps are placed on the foot so that the natural movement of the foot is not restricted.
MalleoTrain plus – ankle bandage
Активная повязка для повышения устойчивости и безопасности голеностопного сустава. Повязка действует по тому же механизму, что и функциональная тесьма. Усиление тактильного раздражения кожи улучшает контроль непроизвольных движений в голеностопном суставе при каждом движении. Усилие обертывания можно плавно регулировать с помощью липучки, не ограничивая нормальные плоскости движения. MalleoTrain Plus развивает свои качества в профилактике травм и реабилитации ранее травмированных суставов. Жесткий ремешок стабилизирует голеностоп при пронации и супинации. Бинт эластичный, дышащий, отводящий пот.
MalleoTrain S – ankle bandage
MalleoTrain S – with open heel – ankle bandage
MalleoTrain® – active ankle bandage
MalleoTrain is a knitted double-pull bandage in light functional plantar flexion. The ankle joint is lightened, compressed and stabilized. The viscoelastic insert surrounds the entire joint area. The joint is thus additionally supported from the front and side. The profile insert guarantees relief of the ankle and, with targeted pressure on the soft ligaments, joint joint and tendons, causes intermittent pressure during movement. This rhythmic compression improves blood circulation and causes rapid resorption of swelling and hematomas. Edges with reduced compression to reduce the pressure on the hem of the bandage.
ManuLoc – long wrist brace
ManuLoc® is a wrist brace that is suitable for carpal tunnel syndrome, as well as prevention of abnormal distal and proximal wrist movement. It keeps the wrist at rest and at the same time allows for functional gripping movements. Thanks to the breathable materials and the seamless processing of the orthosis, high comfort is ensured even after several hours of wearing
Men’s waist belt – LumboTrain®
Multifunctional knee brace – SofTec Genu
The SofTec Genu orthosis has been completely redesigned based on biomechanical principles. To achieve the ideal orthosis design, the principles of earlier orthoses have been tested and optimized. Thanks to its dynamic properties and stability, SofTec Genu provides optimal conditions for fast and successful therapy. The sum of the thoughtful details makes the SofTec Gene not only an improvement on existing orthoses, but a real innovation. The orthosis is patent protected.