The food contains vitamins and elements that affect the blood circulation and increase the desire. The expert announced the ” hot ” grocery list


Shrimps and sea fat fish. They are rich in zinc, selenium, contain a lot of high-quality protein, omega-3, 6, 9 fatty acids. All these substances stimulate the work of the centers of sexual arousal. This is an easy-to-digest food, suitable for cooking for dinner.


Almonds have been known for centuries as an aphrodisiac and a symbol of fertility. This product is an excellent source of fatty acids, which are life-saving for fertility, the normal preservation of reproductive function, the production of hormones (in particular testosterone), as well as stimulating libido.


For thousands of years, various civilizations around the world have admired the properties of asparagus. The ancient Greeks exalted it with the help of love poetry, Eastern teachers advised to drink an infusion of asparagus.

In France, there was a belief that asparagus was eaten three times during the day preceding the wedding day, so that the man would be ready for the wedding night. Asparagus can be cooked on the grill, boil, cook for a couple of oven.


The avocado tree was named “ahuacuatl”by the ancient Aztecs. The word means “tree of fertility”in their language.

The Aztecs believed that avocado fruits are an excellent source of minerals and contain antioxidants that improve potency.

This fruit is also rich in carotene, vitamin E, fiber, vitamin B6, and potassium.


More commonly known as a root, but it is actually a rhizome from a flowering plant. It has a sharp but pleasant taste and aroma, which gives a relaxing effect.

Ginger is used as an aphrodisiac. People have believed for centuries that ginger increases desire and libido. Even the writings of Confucius, which were written thousands of years ago, say that ginger is one of the best remedies for men.

Eating ginger causes a rush of heat in the body, which causes the heart to work faster. It also contains substances that help detoxify and improve blood circulation.

“Ginger tea is considered a powerful aphrodisiac. Classic recipe: 10 g of grated or cut root, half a teaspoon of cinnamon, a pinch of vanilla brew 0.5 liters of boiling water, and when it cools down a little, add 50 g of honey and lemon, ” says nutritionist Yana Ryabenko.

Nuts such as almonds, pumpkin seeds, walnuts and Brazil nuts show more clearly the properties of an aphrodisiac for men. The latter, by the way, can be eaten no more than 2-3 pieces per day.


It is also a great desire booster. This berry (yes, berry!) is an excellent natural aphrodisiac, which is rich in potassium and natural sugars. Indian traditional medicine classifies bananas as a “stimulating” food.


It is used all over the world as a libido-boosting food. It is recommended to put some fresh herbs in a salad or make fresh juice from it.


Spices such as cinnamon, saffron, marjoram, basil, and vanilla have special aphrodisiac properties. Hot pepper also has an exciting effect

An excellent aphrodisiac is considered to be nutmeg – it contains enzymes, the seasoning activates the nerve endings. But it is important to use this product correctly – if you overdo it, you will get a headache