Brahmi / Gotu kola is the name for an Ayurvedic herb known for promoting mental health and cognitive functions.
The name Brahmi, as the Indian name for the Asian umbilical cord, is derived from the word Brahma (Hindu god). This herb has been known for thousands of years especially for its support of mental health and cognitive functions. It also has a positive effect on digestion and the vascular system.
The product contains dried herb (350 mg / 1 capsule) in an organic quality vegetable cellulose capsule.
Brahmi / Gotu kola is the name for an Ayurvedic herb known for promoting mental health and cognitive functions.
The name Brahmi, as the Indian name for the Asian umbilical cord, is derived from the word Brahma (Hindu god). This herb has been known for thousands of years especially for its support of mental health and cognitive functions. It also has a positive effect on digestion and the vascular system.
The product contains dried herb (350 mg / 1 capsule) in an organic quality vegetable cellulose capsule.
Brahmi / Gotu kola est le nom d’une plante ayurvйdique connue pour favoriser la santй mentale et les fonctions cognitives.
Le nom Brahmi, en tant que nom indien du cordon ombilical asiatique, est dйrivй du mot Brahma (dieu hindou). Cette plante est connue depuis des milliers d’annйes principalement pour son soutien а la santй mentale et aux fonctions cognitives. Il a йgalement un effet positif sur la digestion et le systиme vasculaire.
Le produit contient de l’herbe sйchйe (350 mg / 1 capsule) dans une capsule de qualitй vйgйtale а base de cellulose vйgйtale.