Curcumin is one of the most common dietary supplements used today. But most importantly, you also need to know what “pure” quality you are using. There are many manufacturers in the world who process turmeric into the active ingredient curcumin and other curcumin substances, but there are also many types of extraction to extract this effective “drug” with turmeric.
Kurkumin je jednim z nejcastejsich doplnku stravy pouzivanych v dnesni dobe. Ale, co je nejdulezitejsi potrebujete take vedet to, jakou „cistou“ kvalitu uzivate. Na svete je hodne vyrobcu, kteri se zabyvaji zpracovanim kurkumy na ucinnou latku kurkumin a ostatni kurkuminove substance, ale je zde take spousta druhu extrakce jak tento ucinny „lek“ s kurkumy vyextrahovat.