In questions about whether to accompany sports with pharmacological agents, people usually treat diametrically opposite. Someone is categorically against “chemistry” in any form, others believe that without” pharma ” training will not be as effective.
As is often the case, the truth seems to lie somewhere in between. Pharmacology (permitted, of course) and sports-the topic is completely limitless and voluminous, and we will periodically return to it. The funds are used to support and speed up the recovery processes after the transferred loads. The faster you recover, the faster the body will get used to the resulting load and the more quality work you will be able to perform later.
In order not to collect nonsense on all the Internet, the article is based on the materials of Oleg Kulinenkov-a sports doctor, author of 8 monographs and more than 40 scientific and methodological articles on the problems of sports medicine (pharmacology of sports), as well as co-author of the book “Triathlon. Olympic Distance” with Igor Sysoev.
What are adaptogens?
Adaptogens are a special class of harmless biologically active substances that optimize the metabolic processes in the body, have a universal regenerating effect, without causing changes in the normal activity of the body.
Medicinal adaptogenic agents are usually obtained from medicinal plants, less often from animal organs, and each of these natural raw materials has its own history. Often centuries-old and millennia-old, when herbs and extracts were used in folk medicine and the properties of which have long been studied.
A single morning intake of adaptogens easily fits into a person’s biorhythm and increases his performance, with increased physical exertion helps to urgently mobilize the functional reserves of the body.
The mechanisms of action of adaptogens are diverse. Especially highlight:
increased functionality
increased adaptability (adaptation) of the body to increased loads
increased resistance to heat, cold, thirst, hunger, infections, stress
reducing the time of adaptation to a sharp change in climate
eliminating the decline of strength and immune disorders
restoring the body’s nonspecific resistance
It is important to understand that sports results do not depend on taking miracle pills and drops, but they are directly related to modern training methods and taking pharma at different stages of preparation – from preparing the body to accept intense physical exertion in the preparatory mesocycle (aka – to maintain the health of an athlete who is engaged in maintaining health, and not in order to improve results at competitions) to bring the overall performance to the maximum level, reduce the impact of adverse factors of training on the organs, provide energy for muscle activity, accelerate recovery processes, remove the final metabolites from the body, stabilize, etc.
Adaptogens are recommended to be consumed in the first half of the day, as their stimulating effect can interfere with night sleep. They enhance the effect of caffeine, guarana, weaken the effect of sedatives. They are combined with all medicines and vitamins.
It is especially effective to use a combination of plant adaptogens with bee products — not only honey, but also pollen.
Who’s who
The use of adaptogens is most often used in the preparation stages for competitions and especially during competitions. This helps the athlete to maintain health and improve athletic performance. The most common adaptogens are taken in the form of alcohol tinctures (10-30 drops per glass of water), during competitions, alcohol tinctures are replaced with tablets and powders.
It has an anti-inflammatory effect, has a positive effect on carbohydrate metabolism, the cardiovascular system, stimulates tissue respiration, reduces heart rate, stimulates secretory function, eliminates thirst, improves lung function. According to the strength of the tonic effect, ginseng is also close to zamanikha.
Siberian ginseng
It is used for climate change, to improve thermoregulation, in the complex treatment of overtraining. Eleutherococcus has the ability to increase the permeability of cell membranes to glucose.
To the greatest extent of all adaptogens, it enhances the processes of arousal in the central nervous system. Its effect is often compared with some doping drugs from the group of psychomotor stimulants. They are used during the competition period.
It causes a distinct activation of the bioenergetics of cells, has a strong effect on the striated skeletal muscle tissue, as well as on the heart muscle-muscle strength and endurance increase even after a single dose. With the intake, the content of glycogen in the liver increases, the size of the mitochondria increases, and therefore the ability to utilize carbohydrates, fatty acids and lactic acid increases.
It shows a pronounced anabolic activity, increases protein synthesis, with prolonged use, the blood composition improves: the number of white blood cells, red blood cells, and hemoglobin increases.
Adaptogens also include aralia, sterculia, aloe juice, propolis,raponticum, rosehip.