The autumn exhibition is held on a competitive basis and develops the winning instinct in children. You can create beautiful crafts from melon using the carving technique or do simple ways to make a beautiful product.
Cozy cottage of melon
If you want to make a large structure and use as few vegetables as possible-the craft “Cozy house” is a good option.
DIY from melon
You will need:
ripe melon – 1 piece;
celery stalk-10-15 cm;
skewers for canapes or toothpicks.
Step-by-step actions:
Take a melon of the “Kolkhoznitsa” or “Caramel” variety, cut off the longitudinal top for the future roof.
Peel it from the pulp, so that a layer of crumb in 1-1. 5 cm remains on the peel. Do the same with the second part, separate the pulp.
Place most of the melon on the tray, cut side down.
With a small sharp knife, make a semicircular hole for the door and on the sides of it at the same distance, make marks for the windows. Carefully cut out the ovals. From toothpicks to build a “window frame”.
The roof. In the large part of the melon at the top, make a through round hole. In the small part, cut a semicircle for the chimney. Cover the” roof ” of the house.
Celery stalks are the top fibers, use them for “slate”. And the stem is a pipe.
Use skewers to secure the lid. Done!
Ship from melon
For a better preservation of the crafts of melon spray periodically with cold water. This will give a fresh look. For the next work, we will need a small oval fruit of the “Torpedo” or “Golden” variety.
Beautiful craft made of melon
You will need:
melon – 1 piece;
grapes-6-7 pieces;
large skewers – 6 pcs;
orange peel – 1 pc.
Step-by-step actions:
Cut the melon lengthwise into two equal parts and place it on a platter with a napkin.
At one half, cut off the top of the peel, turn the cut down. It turned out a stable base of the ship.
The second half is cut into two layers with a thickness of 1.5-2 cm.Clean the layers of seeds.
Set a triangle, in the middle of the “ship” two large skewers. It’s a mast. Fix its top with a piece of melon. Closer to the base, place a peeled orange slice, cut into a circle.Step back from the mast by 2 cm to the sides and lay the layers. And also do with the rest of the layers. You should get steps.
Cut the previously cut top in half, turn the pulp up and set the “nose” with the “stern”. Secure with skewers with strung grapes.
Side “of the mast”. Put on skewers, quarters of orange peel in the form of sails and stick in the pulp through, piercing the step layers. Decorate the tops of the skewers with grapes.
Hare of melon
Perhaps the simplest craft for those who did not have time, in time to prepare for the exhibition. For this work, take a melon of smooth varieties. They are easier to cut the peel.
Hare of melon
You will need:
melon – 1 piece;
skewers – 6 pcs;
small carrots – 1 pc;
small tangerines – 1 kg;
glue stationery – 5 gr.
Step-by-step actions:
Draw the outline of the hare’s ears and muzzle with a felt-tip pen to make it easier to cut out.
Cut the melon lengthwise, but not completely. Stop in the middle.
Along the contour with a small knife, start cutting out the ears and the oval of the head.
Remove the seeds, and cut the pulp with a teaspoon in the form of balls. Put them together with the tangerines in the “hare-basket”.
Cut the carrots in length into two plates and glue them on the ears of the hare. Use melon seeds instead of eyes.
Place tangerines in the base of the figure, like two paws.
Skewers make out in the form of a mustache.
Chick from melon
The variety of melon “Caramel” is suitable for crafts made of melon in the image of a chick.
The chick from melon
You will need:
melon – 1 piece;
large orange – 1 piece;
carrots-1-2 pieces;
black berries – 2 pcs;
Bulgarian red pepper – 1 pc.
Step-by-step actions:
Cut the melon across to the back wall.
From the cross section, start cutting out triangles, the length of the sides of which is 5-6 cm. Do this up and down the melon.
Carefully open and remove the seeds. To prevent the melon from closing again, place a large skewer slightly further from the middle, to the back wall. You will get an open shell.
The chick’s beak. Cut the peeled carrots on the sides by 0.5 cm. Cut the chopped carrots in half to the middle. Push the edges apart. The beak is ready.
The head. Attach the finished beak to the orange and from it in both directions mark the same distance for the eyes, about 3 cm. Draw circles with a diameter of 1-1. 5 cm. Cut the mugs and stick skewers with strung black berries in them.
Place the chick in the shell.
Paws and wings are better made of red pepper. Make side holes in the melon and insert the pepper quarters into it.
Children’s bus from melon
Funny craft in the image of a yellow gazelle that transports children. To do this, take a melon variety “Kazachka”. It is bright yellow and smooth.
DIY from melon
You will need:
melon – 1 piece;
radish – 5-6 pcs;
mushroom caps – 4 pcs.
Step-by-step actions:
In the melon, cut out rectangles for “windows”, 1 cm deep.
The radishes. Do not cut the entire spout of the root crop, until the root turns white.
Make the eyes out of plasticine.
Mouth. Under the spout in the form of a” tick ” make an incision.
Put the “kids” in the windows, strengthen with small skewers.
At the base of the melon, put the caps of mushrooms or vegetables of a round shape.
Basket of melons
Housewives note! This product is suitable for both exhibition and table setting.
Simple DIY from melon
You will need:
melon – 1 pc.
Step-by-step actions:
Make even incisions on both sides. Cut out these slices. It turned out: the base of the basket and the handle.
Remove the seeds.
Use the knife blade to make zigzag cuts on the handle and on the basket.
Slices that are cut, cut into cubes or use a spoon to make balls. Fill the basket.
As a filler, you can choose any fruit and berries.
If there are no minor parts at hand, replace them with others, at your discretion. It won’t ruin the job.